Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue

Tenant CS was tasked with reducing Beyond Blue’s real estate costs whether by downsizing within the current tenancy or relocating.

Client Overview

No. of projects:
Multiple Projects
Single Project
Melbourne CBD
Melbourne CBD
Project Type:
Mid-term lease negotiation
Project Types:
Mid-term lease negotiation
About the company
Beyond Blue provides information and support to help everyone in Australia achieve their best possible mental health.
Beyond Blue

Featured Project

At a glance

Reduced overall costs mid-term
Discounted our fee by 20% to give back to the cause
Cost reduction without a space reduction

The Brief

Being referred by a former client to Beyond Blue was a highlight in itself. Exceeding Beyond Blue's expectations, saving them money mid-term, so they could apply it to GOOD use - that's priceless!

Recognising the importance of being represented by a consultant, Tenant CS was tasked with reducing Beyond Blue’s real estate costs despite their existing lease.

Due to the space efficiencies that Beyond Blue created by embracing hybrid working arrangements, a space reduction was possible – whether by downsizing within the current tenancy or relocation.

The project involved:

  • Engaging with Beyond Blue stakeholders to ensure homogeneity in project strategy and desired outcome
  • Informing the current Landlord of Tenant CS’s engagement and desired outcome
  • Sending out a brief to market, seeking 1,100-1,400sqm of fitted office space in Melbourne CBD. This attracted 52 submissions from agents, which was whittled down into a longlist of 10 spaces and a shortlist of five
  • Negotiating on three preferred options, in addition to an offer provided to the current landlord to retain Beyond Blue as the sitting tenant

The overall strategy required flexibility and creativity to achieve the desired outcome, something only an independent consultancy could provide.

The Results

Though an NDA binds Tenant CS on results, Beyond Blue's words of appreciation sum it up: "Next time you're at the MCG, in front of a full stadium, have a look at ¼ of the stands… 25,500 people… that's how many additional phone calls - calls for help - we can answer because of the real estate savings Tenant CS has made for us".

There aren't many opportunities to experience "feel good" moments in real estate. But this one will be warmly remembered by both the client and the team at Tenant CS. We were also able to reduce our fee by 20% to give back further to the cause - a feel-good ending indeed.

Beyond Blue

Project Team

Project Team

Project Team

"Your actions have helped over 25,500 people"

Next time you’re at the MCG, in front of a full stadium, have a look at ¼ of the stands… 25,500 people… that’s how many additional phone calls - calls for help - we can answer because of the real estate savings Tenant CS has made for us.
Beyond Blue

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